Regulatory Issues

April 29, 2013

  CARB There are changes at the California Air Resources Board (CARB). James Goldstene had been the Executive Officer at CARB since 2007 and has now moved to a new position. Richard Corey is now the new …

FEA announces conference program, awards

April 19, 2013

FEA announces conference program, awards The Preliminary Conference Program of the 28th European Aerosol Federation (FEA) International Aerosol Congress & 17th Exhibition, which will take place Sept. 24–26, is now available. The expert presentations have been divided …

Avon to slash 400 jobs, exit Ireland

April 10, 2013

Avon Products Inc. announced it will slash more than 400 jobs and exit the Irish market, the latest moves in the new CEO’s plan to return the beauty products company to profitability in the next …

Avon to slash 400 jobs, exit Ireland

Avon Products Inc. announced it will slash more than 400 jobs and exit the Irish market, the latest moves in the new CEO’s plan to return the beauty products company to profitability in the next …

How does corrosion start with uncoated and coated metals?

April 1, 2013

  Hello everyone. I’m often asked how corrosion starts in spray packaging. The corrosion of spray packages begins in so many different ways that a comprehensive discussion is beyond the scope of Corrosion Corner. However, I’d …

CARB, LVP-VOC, Weights & Measures, Green Chemistry

CARB On Feb. 24, 2013 the California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff held their second public workshop on their current rule development. This rule development is mainly focused on modifications to Aerosol Coatings and Aerosol Adhesives …

If you’re planning on a Special Permit … plan early!

  Many years ago, I worked at U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, D.C. I was part of a small group that was responsible, in part, for reviewing special permit applications for those applicants that wanted …

Spring has Sprung!

Spring launches abound in multiple categories Do consumers shop more in the good weather? Some analysts say yes. Warm weather prompts some very obvious purchases, such as sunscreen, lighter clothing, insect repellant, outdoor gear and sporting …

CSPA to Host Special Intermediate Course on Cleaning Product Formulations

March 8, 2013

On Monday, May 6, 2013 from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., the Consumer Specialty Products Association’s (CSPA) is hosting an in-depth seminar for professionals in the cleaning products industry. Informative, science focused and led by …

Symrise Acquires U.S. Fragrance Manufacturer Belmay

March 4, 2013

Symrise has acquired the global fragrance business of the Belmay Group, an international developer and manufacturer of fragrances and perfume oils. Both Belmay’s product and customer portfolios complement the existing activities of Symrise’s Scent & …