Regulatory Issues
The Year In Review During 2024, several significant regulatory changes occurred in respect to the use of Reactivity. First, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) decided that the next rule-making amendments will use Reactivity limits to regulate Consumer Products. This is a historic change to the way CARB has operated over the last 34 years. […]
Regulatory Issues
Happy New Year! This year will be filled with new challenges as we work with the California Air Resources Board (CARB), and likely Oregon and other jurisdictions, on volatile organic compound (VOC) issues. As we will also need to work on American Innovation & Manufacturing Act (AIM) compliance, we should look at these regulations as […]
Regulatory Issues
CARB The California Air Resources Board (CARB) finally released the product categories planned for the next survey; these categories have the potential to be in the next round of rule development. On Oct. 30, CARB staff presented a webinar (view the recording here). It provided Industry with rationale for the product categories selected to be […]
Regulatory Issues
CARB The California Air Resources Board (CARB) should be releasing information on its next volatile organic compound (VOC) survey soon. In discussions with CARB management, it was determined that the potential number of categories for the next survey is likely to be between 40 and 50. CARB used the 2013–2015 survey results to choose the […]
Regulatory Issues
AIM Technology Transition The American Innovation & Manufacturing Act (AIM) Technology Transition section regulates hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in Consumer Aerosol Products and Technical Aerosol Products. This regulation was adopted Oct. 24, 2023, and becomes effective Jan. 1, 2025; as of this date, any Consumer Aerosol Product that has an HFC compound with a Global Warming Potential […]
Regulatory Issues
CARB On July 23, Nicholas Georges from the Household & Commercial Product Association (HCPA) and I, representing the National Aerosol Association (NAA) and Personal Care Products Council (PCPC), met with numerous members of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to discuss the progress on the next Consumer Products Rule amendments. The meeting was very informative. […]
Regulatory Issues
SCAQMD On July 11, the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) held its third work group meeting for Proposed Amendments to Rule 1151 Motor Vehicle & Mobile Equipment Non-Assembly Line Coating Operations—more often referred to as the Auto Refinish rule. This was a continuation from the last two work group meetings. The focus of […]
Regulatory Issues
SCAQMD In May, the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) held two workgroup meetings. May 21 SCAQMD staff held its second workgroup meeting concerning Rule 1151 Automotive Refinish Coatings. SCAQMD is attempting to prohibit parachlorobenzotrifluoride (PCBTF) and tertiary butyl acetate (tBAc) from Automotive Refinish Coatings. SCAQMD amended its rule 1168 on Adhesives last year […]
Regulatory Issues
OTC Meeting On April 22, the Ozone Transport Commission (OTC) held its Spring virtual meeting, during which it was mentioned that the Consumer Model Rules were edited. Changes included administrative and formatting updates, such as modified dates and rules. As well, it was reported that the Consumer Products Phase I, II, III and IV were […]
Regulatory Issues
New York On March 13, the State of New York held a webinar to accept comments on amendments to 6 NYCRR Part 494 on the use of hydrofluorocarbon substances (HFCs). This affects aerosol products and small containers of automotive refrigerants. The amendments mainly align with the newly-finalized Technology Transitions Program by the U.S. Environmental Protection […]