Formulated Solutions, a contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) focused on pharma and consumer healthcare solutions, has added a third GMP aerosol production line as it prepares for future customer demand. Featuring the latest technology, …
FULL ARTICLEEntries are now open for the 2025 edition of the Aerosol & Dispensing Forum (ADF) Innovation Awards. Honoring creative packaging innovation in aerosol and dispensing technology packaging solutions, the ADF Innovation Awards winners will be …
FULL ARTICLEAEROBAL, the International Organization of Aluminum Aerosol Container Manufacturers, announced the election of its new leadership during the General Assembly meeting held on September 10. Robert Huffman, President of Trivium Packaging’s Americas and Global Aerosol & …
FULL ARTICLEDetergents are products containing soaps and/or other surfactants intended for washing and cleaning. They come in various forms, including aerosols, trigger sprays, liquids and powders, and are marketed for household, institutional or industrial purposes. Common …
FULL ARTICLEThe aerosol products industry [sees] … more than 90%i of aerosol products manufactured and sold in the U.S. However, manufacturing an aerosol product in a U.S. facility is not enough to justify an unqualified claim …
FULL ARTICLECARB On July 23, Nicholas Georges from the Household & Commercial Product Association (HCPA) and I, representing the National Aerosol Association (NAA) and Personal Care Products Council (PCPC), met with numerous members of the California Air …
FULL ARTICLEHello everyone. Corrosion is a probabilistic process, not a simple deterministic process with only one causative factor. There are approximately nine major factors that could cause corrosion, which means there are 362,880 possible combinations of …