Eastern Aerosol Association (EAA) Spring Meeting. Aerosols 101. Sheraton Mahwah, Mahwah, NJ. www.easternaerosol.com
California Society of Cosmetic Chemists (CALISCC) Suppliers’ Day. Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, CA. www.caliscc.org
The Aerosol Manufacturer’s Association of South Africa (AMA) Advanced Training Course, Emperor’s Palace, Gauteng, South Africa. www.aerosol.co.za
American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Annual Meeting. Grande Lakes, Orlando, FL. www.cleaninginstitute.org
Society of Cosmetic Chemists (SCC) Midwest Teamworks Suppliers Day, Rosemont, IL MidwestSCC.org
Southern Aerosol Technical Association (SATA) Fall Meeting. Grand Hotel Marriott Resort & Spa, Point Clear, AL. kimberly.miller@honeywell.com; southernaerosol.com
Southern Aerosol Technical Association (SATA) Spring Meeting. Atlanta Perimeter Marriott, Atlanta, GA. kimberly.miller@honeywell.com; southernaerosol.com
Aerosol & Dispensing Forum (ADF) and Packaging of Perfume, Cosmetics & Design (PCD). The Altman Building and Metropolitan Pavilion, New York, NY. www.adf-pcd.com
HBA Global 2015. Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York, NY. www.hbaexpo.com
Luxe Pack New York. Pier 92, New York, NY. www.luxepack.com