EAA’s Annual Golf Outing!
Written on: August 8, 2013 by SprayTM
Sunny skies prevailed yet again at the Eastern Aerosol Association (EAA) annual golf outing on Aug. 7, held at the Crystal Springs Resort in Hamburg, NJ.
The First Place team was comprised of Bill Geisel, EXAL; Dennis Smith, Precise Packaging; Luke Magnant, Mondelez; and Joe Everard. Second Place went to the team made up of Bart Bastian, Spray Products; and Bill Auriemma, George Sehringer and Brock Manner, all of Diversified CPC.
George Buckland, DS Containers won the Putting Contest. Long Drive winners were David Deatton and Chris Nyarady, Montebello. Closest to the Pin winners were Greg Wise, Ball Corp.; and Bob Swiatecki, American Spraytech.
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Getting ready for the day! Seated, Doug Bacile, Spray Sales Manager, Sponsorship Chair, with Bill Geisel, Exal, Golf Outing Chair.

The three finalists of the putting contest. After several rounds, Buckland emerged the winner! Pictured L to R: Alyssa Kowcz, Unilever; George Buckland; Heather Gambose, MicroCare.

Bill Geisel and Bob Swiatecki, winner of Closest to the Pin.

Bill Geisel presents Greg Wise the prize for Closest to Pin.

Tony Imperato, Unilever; Cindy Hundley, Spray Publisher; and Pete Erickson, Aptar, playing out of the sand.

George Sehringer, Bart Bastian, George Buckland, Brock Manner and John Leuszler, DuPont.

Second place foursome: George Sehringer, Brock Manner and Bart Bastian. (Not pictured: Bill Auriemma)

First place foursome: Bill Geisel, Dennis Smith, Joe Everard and Luke Magnant.

Chris Nyarady and Bill Geisel.

President Chris Nyarady kicking off the after dinner festivities.

L to R: EAA President Chris Nyarady, Dennis Smith and Greg Mas of Falcon Safety Products.

Rick Lamp, AGC Chemicals and Brad Brunsman, Aeropres