Written on: September 2, 2015 by SprayTM
Retailer & Consumer Products Regulatory Compliance Workshop
September 29-30 | Sacramento, CA
Lausch’s presentation will focus on EPA’s retail strategy, and examine federal RCRA regulations and proposed rules as they pertain to the classification and disposal of hazardous waste. Given the spate of recent enforcement actions and penalties levied against manufacturers and retailers for improper waste disposal, there is great interest in clarifying the current regulations. This event is an opportunity to hear directly from EPA, ask questions, and exchange useful information about hazardous waste issues and practices as we seek collaborative solutions going forward.
This event will also feature a host of state and federal regulators, retailers, industry and supply chain representatives, and legal experts on hazardous waste and air quality issues.
Members – $595 (Available to PCPC and CSPA Members)
Nonmembers – $695
Hotel Info:
1230 J Street, 13th and J Street
Sacramento, CA 95814 916-447-1700 Room Rate $179++ per night Cut off Friday, September 4, 2015
More info: www.cspa.org or www.personalcarecouncil.org