Register for MAA Golf Outing on August 8

Written on: July 7, 2017 by SprayTM

MAAThe Midwest Aerosol Association (MAA) will be holding its annual Golf Outing on Tuesday August 8 at the Seven Bridges Golf Club in Woodridge, IL.  According to the MAA, this is a great networking opportunity to meet others in the aerosol industry to make new connections or renew old relationships.  The timing for the outing is as follows:

  • 11:00 –  Registration
  • 12:00  – Lunch
  • 1:00  – Shot Gun Start

The Oakbrook Marriot is holding a block of rooms at a special rate for MAA Members but reservations need to be made by July 17.   Additional information regarding the outing can be found on the reservation form.

Contact Brad Brunsman for more info: