Hello HCPA, goodbye CSPA…

Written on: February 8, 2018 by SprayTM

The Consumer Specialty Products Association (CSPA) has officially changed its name to the Household & Commercial Products Association. Following a nearly year-long strategic planning process, HCPA is enhancing its brand identity to more directly reflect who its members are, what they do and how they significantly contribute to the U.S. economy. The new tagline, “Innovative Products for Home. Work. Life.” underscores the industry’s commitment to consumers and workers, and affirms the substantial role household and commercial products play in every aspect of our daily lives.
“To most effectively advocate for our members and our industry before policymakers and regulators, we need to communicate our public policy objectives more clearly and consistently,” said Steve Caldeira, HCPA president and CEO. “A major part of that effort is making sure that our industry identity is properly understood.”
The new name is simultaneously specific and inclusive, which will combat the lack of identity the organization suffered from under its previously vague title, and strengthen our hard-earned reputation as a trade association that fights above its weight class. HCPA’s unique history of collaboration with NGOs, allied trade associations and other diverse stakeholders has grown the organization’s reputation as a credible and trusted thought leader within the Washington, DC business community.

“The organization’s commitment to creative collaboration will remain steadfast to ensure a common-sense business environment that enables product innovation, job creation and economic growth,” said David Campbell, HCPA Chairman and vice president, regulatory and government affairs, RB, North America. “HCPA’s new identity will only serve to strengthen its leadership potential among key constituencies in our industry, policymakers and with the media.”
“Our decision to rebrand was a strategic, member-driven initiative. The membership was calling for, and the data supported, a clear and modern brand that reflected who our organization served, the 200,000 workers we employ and the $180 billion we contribute to the U.S. economy,” concluded Caldeira.
“Under our new title, HCPA will be better able to amplify our industry’s value to society and its commitment to improving the lives of consumers and workers, further building trust in the household and commercial products industry.”

Social Media
Who to follow on Twitter: @TheHCPA
Who to follow on Linkedin: Household & Commercial Products Association
Hashtag: #HelloHCPA

New website: www.TheHCPA.org