Written on: April 23, 2020 by SprayTM
Youmei Kobayashi, Founder of Japanese Aerosol Newspaper Co. Ltd., passed away on March 22 at the age of 84 of pneumonia unrelated to the COVID-19 virus. Kobayashi founded the publication at the age of 31 and served as a Chairman & Representative Issuer until his death.
The first issue was published on April 1, 1967 with a statement that read, “We will not go after any particular organization or company, and we will be neutral with [an] unbiased editorial policy.”
According to Tetsuya Motojima, Vice Chief Editor of Japanese Aerosol Newspaper Co. Ltd., “The Japanese aerosol market was small at that time, but fortunately [Kobayashi] got acquainted with [U.S. aerosol product expert] Montfort A. Johnsen and others abroad [to develop] the newspaper company.”
Mr. Youmei Kobayashi